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Review for The Greensboro Sportsplex by matt
Rating: 1 Rating
Rude employees , they have the Gov. attitude of, “if you don’t like it, leave”, no customer service, bossy and the place is not cleaned. They target some people for backpacks and let others with the same go! Assuming it’s based on how you “look” to harass. ..
Pros: Maybe 1 vending machine may work, maybe…
Cons: Parking Rude Employees Filthy Not enough bathrooms With events with thousands of people, you park 15-20 away, talks 30-40 min to get coffee… Not enough seating Cram too many people and teams/courts in Crazy sill $ to see your own kid play!!!!!
Review for Umi Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Lounge by Gary
Rating: 5 Rating
I really enjoy myself and the staff are very polite.

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